Thursday, 16 April 2015

Still Injured - Holidays - The Big Banana Coff's Harbour

Long time no blog.  About a month ago I did a fun run and injured my hip.  A couple of weeks ago I went out for a 15 minutes shuffle and my hip ached afterwards.  Usually, the best thing for my injuries is rest (also very cost effective!).

Meanwhile, we're on a family holiday and having an absolute blast in Coffs Harbour...

The Big Banana

There's lots for the kids to do at the Big Banana - toboggan, ice skating, water slides, laser tag, eat bananas :)
A chocolate coated banana  - too be honest it was a bit rich.  Maybe a banana split next time..
Its been a very long time between trips and well worth an extended visit.  We checked out the toboggan rides and the water slides and all 3 of my boys had a blast.  We went to an afternoon session and the water park was pretty empty.  Its funny because T3 is not a fan of going into the water at the beach, yet he'll hurtle down the biggest slides head first.  Go figure!  In between fun times here at Coffs I've been trying to get some of my nursing assignments done

My kids love water slides and all 3 had a ball!

The park was pretty empty - kids with ASD aren't known for their waiting skills

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