Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Poor Neglected Blog, Poor neglected body

Long time no blog.  I injured my hip doing the City To Surf and have struggle to run ever since.  I think its finally on the mend so I'm focusing on cross training and very slowly running without any pain.  Yesterday I joined a gym to help with my strength work and hopefully prevent any more injuries.  Yesterday I tested my hip by doing a very slow 15 minutes on the treadmill (7km and hour!) and then did a pump class.  Today I'm really sore so I'll take a day off.

I hope to keep blogging but am so busy juggling work/uni/family.  I'll at least try and log my training.

Next week I'm off to Alice Springs for a week for a Clinical Teaching Block.  I'm going to miss my family :(.  Its really hot there so I indulged in a bit of retail therapy.  My swimmers had disintegrated so I really needed some new ones.  Can you tell I'm into stripes at the moment?  All from Target and there was a special - $20 if you spend $100.  Lets just say, ahem, I qualified for the special :-).
Love stripes

Did you notice my sphygmomanometer in the background! :)

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