Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Why I haven't run this week…..

None - sob.  Plenty of stress eating though (:()

I know I should make time for running but this is what's been going on…..


1) I started orientation at my new job as a nursing assistant- which means I have been starting work at 6.30am most days this week and been on my feet all day.
2) On the same day I started work my eldest's blood results came back - positive for glandular fever = 3 weeks off school, then half days.  He's ecstatic about the days off but very grumpy about no soccer or cricket for a month (there may have been tears!).
3) Last night my husband woke me up at 2am with heart palpitations.  It was one of the worst moments of my life.  You don't think rationally at that time and my thinking was affected by his brother's death at an early age and a soccer dad who had died in his sleep only 2 weeks before.  In my mind I pictured him going into cardiac arrest.  Such silly thinking I know, but he's never had symptoms before.  So off we went to the hospital and thankfully the tests came back clear so far.  But I'm going to make sure he gets hammered with every test possible.  Thankfully his cardiologist is just about the sweetest man on the planet - so humble even though he is  a professor of cardiology and is frequently consulted by the media.  We got no sleep and I was so wrecked last night!
4) Uni started back this week.  Have I looked at a textbook? No. Did I even sell a textbook I still need for this semester?  umm..yes.  Now I'm going to have to buy this book again.  I love wasting $$$ on textbooks.  Am I already behind?  Yes :(

The positives - my husband is tucked up in bed and well and I get to spend quality time with my eldest.   The hospital was amazing - it gave me new confidence in the health system.
Eldest's glandular symptoms (except fatigue) are gone so we might have to sneak into an empty daytime movie today - or have lunch together.  I'm working today from 2.30pm till late.

How do I deal with stress - by getting plenty of rest, exercise and healthy food?…..ummmm… unfortunately not.  The pic above pretty much sums it up.  Oh and for the record, that whole block of dairy milk is now a distant memory.  It was devoured in record time.

Does your healthy living regime last through the stressful times or are you like me and it all goes to pot? 

Sunday, 20 July 2014

I've been a slacker...


I been slacking off… making excuses… sleeping in.  Then this morning I decided to get out there and I ran 10km and then did some light weights.  A half hour later my left hip muscles began to ache so I'm going to take a couple of days off and then do the SENSIBLE thing and start back with very low mileage, like easy 3km runs, until I am running ache free.  I hope that will do the trick.

Aldi compression gear

I was only going to buy 2 pairs of compression tights, honestly!  I've tried on the tights and they feel pretty good.  A little tight around the waist but they seem fine.  I'm going to wear them under my work clothes to prevent varicose veins and my crack from showing when I'm bending!  Sorry - TMI!

2 long tights, 1 pair of short tights, 6 pairs of socks, 2 jackets and 2 bras - oh well!


Well I've been a slacker all round lately and am very disappointed in myself.  In fact I didn't even feel like updating the blog, but here I am.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

12 km; another day, another high tea; starting a new job


I missed blogging my last run - 6km (sorry for being a lazy blogger!).  This morning I kicked myself out of bed before the sun rose and set off for a 12 km run.  The City to Surf is 4 weeks away and I need to get back in the running groove.  There was the most ginormous full moon in the sky.  Sometimes I wish I ran with my phone, but you'll just have to take my word for it - it was beautiful- and worth getting up for.


This afternoon I had afternoon tea with a very dear friend who also has a child on the spectrum.  We went to The Gardener's Lodge, which was wonderful as usual - I think its my fourth visit.  I love the food, the heritage building and the walk through Victoria Park and through Sydney University's Grand Hall.  It did get a little chilly so when the sun disappeared we went inside.  It was so good to chat with someone who 'get's it'.  To share those worries about our kids' future as well as sharing the triumphs of their hard earned success. You know those old friends you can just be yourself with, know you'll be completely accepted and just enjoy each others' company?  It was a belated birthday catch-up and I joked how we will hopefully having tea together in another 20 years.  She's a gem and I'm so thankful for our friendship.  I just wish we could catch up more often.
delicious - as usual



The school hols are almost over and my kids have been passing a virus around for the last couple of weeks.  Consequently we've been doing very little and spending lots of time at home.  Its been nice to recharge but I'm kind of worried about my 3 boys - their immune systems seem to have crashed and they're having a tough time getting well for more than a couple of days in a row.  I think we need a beach holiday in a couple of months- lots of fresh air and salt water.  Now that I'll be working we may just get there.

I start work on Tuesday.  It will be the first time I've done paid work in about 6 years.  I have been doing ABA therapy and studying though, so I feel like I've been working very hard indeed for the last couple of years.  Anyway I'm slightly terrified- but very glad I've gotten work in the current job market.     One more week until uni starts again and then it will be full-on for the next 12 weeks.

I need to be more focussed about the twins' therapy.  This week, amidst what will be a busy week, I hope to make a list of goals for both of them, talk them over with their BCBA and review T2's school data from last semester.  I will update you when they're done.  So much to do…so little time!

Where is you're favourite High Tea/cafe?

Will you be doing the City to Surf in 4 weeks time?

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

WHAT a day!!!!

Where to start?


I got up bright and early (the alarm on the other side of the room is working a treat!) and did a speed session.  It went like this 1 minute fast running, 1 minutes slow x8.  The splits are below.  I'm still getting back to pre-injury form.  But I will get there.
Its probably best to look at best pace since I was running 1 min hard then 1 minute shuffle.


So much happened today.  I'll start at the beginning.  Last night I was awake stressing about some therapy and uni bills I need to pay.  I may have said a desperate prayer.  We are not poor and I'm not crying poor but these bills needed paying and I was wondering how.  Then after my run I logged into my account to pay a therapist and a lump sum of child assistance had been deposited.  I'd forgotten that parents on carers allowance get a boost at the end of the financial year.  There were tears.  Of relief.  And joy :-).

Next,  I secretly logged onto my university account.  I hadn't told anyone in my family that it was results day.  And I got two high distinctions!!!  One was for anatomy and physiology, and I've got to tell you that that subject nearly broke me - hip hip hooray!!!!

Then we went off to see How to Train Your Dragon 2 - and we had a great time.  T2 was really good again.  He does tend to talk quietly to himself but I don't think anyone nearby hears him.  My others boys were transfixed. The self-talk is the big behaviour we need to target and also one of the most difficult as it appears to be self-stimulatory.  Now that I'm able to pay my program supervisor and look her in the face, this is the behaviour we're going to target.

Then…. yes there's more!!!  When we got home I realised there was a missed call from the  aged care facility I had my interview.  And guess what? I was offered a casual position.  The pay is rubbish, the work is difficult (sounds great doesn't it?) but its excellent experience.   I've heard the best nurses are the ones who graduate after working in clinical practise while studying.  I hope I don't get too many night shifts though!

Lastly I'm finally getting my results back from TAFE (yes uni wasn't enough agony last semester) and have one mark to receive until I'm a fully fledged Assistant in Nursing, possessing the certificate 3 in aged care.

So much in one day!!!  I'm happy.  A little terrified about next semester, juggling uni, work, kids, a trip to Alice Springs and placement.  But I know I'm made of tough stuff.  After all I'm an autism mum - I can deal with anything :-).

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Speed session, 11km long run and life update


I've only managed two runs since my last post.  Hopefully this week I'll manage at least four - that's the plan.  My speed session involved 1km fast running (based on how I was feeling), 2 minutes recovery - times 3.

This morning I set TWO alarms just to get up.  I strategically placed on alarm three metres from my bed, which did the job and luckily didn't wake up the kids.  In the meantime my other half sleepily asked 'is that two alarms?'  I got through the 11km okay.  Meanwhile the City to Surf is a mere four weeks away.


I'm lapping up my uni free semester break.  I went for an interview at the facility I did my placement at. It went pretty well and they said they'd call early this week.  Fingers Crossed.  If I get it I may just be able to afford to fly to Alice in September.  I'm feeling a little better about it - the teacher there is supposed to be the most experienced for the unit and I'm going to use the evenings to study for my anatomy and physiology subject.  Naively, I thought I might go to Uluru afterwards - until I realised its a 5 hour drive.  Man, Australia is so HUGE!

Fun times this week include...

Jersey Boys - the movie.  I love, love, LOVED the stage musical.  In fact I saw it twice.  Those tunes are just timeless.  So a few weeks ago I realised that a movie version directed by Clint Eastwood was being released.  I saw it with my mother-in-law and it was awesome.  I'm going again with eldest and my husband.  I can see myself sneaking into a day session if I have a few hours to spare.  Those songs just make me…happy!

 High Tea - The Woodenspoon Bar - Cremorne

Just a few doors down from the Hayden Orpheum is the Woodenspoon Bar.  I've had High Tea a few times and it never fails to disappoint.  We always find a corner lounge and wile away a couple of hours.  The service is always attentive and the food fresh and delicious.  And this visit we given jam, cream and chocolate spread for our scones!!  Chocolate spread - its inspired.  I'm a chocoholic and have never thought of that.  Anyway, take a look at the pics below to see the treats

Chocolate spread for the scones - great idea!


We had our first play date of the holidays on Friday.  I'm always nervous arranging a play date with a kid who hasn't visited before.  This time I couldn't even get the courage to call.  I texted instead.  I thought to myself if she doesn't want to come she has time to think up an excuse.  Thankfully she said yes and it all went well.   Anyway, so far I have invited sporty people over as T1 loves sport and my husband is great with that.  At this age I really need him because mums often still stay and with kids with ASD they at least need a parent on the case.  Its like a double play date.  But hopefully in the years ahead us mums will get to know each other a lot better.  With my eldest son (non ASD and 11) friendships are just so easy - for him and for me!

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

10km, Thairrific and my marriage is a teenager!


So my alarm went off and thankfully I didn't ignore it (becoming all to frequent).  I set of for a slow 10km and it was a beautiful morning, running as the sun rose.  I got to my usual track, which is a popular running and cycling track and there was a MASSIVE tree over the track which had blown over.  If someone was under there when it fell they would definitely be killed or seriously injured.  Thankfully, I don't believe anyone copped it.  I wish I had my phone so I could take a photo- it was quite impressive


13 years - we've been so through so much together (death of family members, having son no1, having twins with autism, moving, career changing) but I still love him more now than 13 years ago (and I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual).  I've had my share of crap in life but I scored an amazing husband who just happens to be a fantastic dad. He's a kid magnet, and pretty much a grown up kid himself! Here's to another 13 years (hopefully a less drama-filled 13 years, if you please!).  We went out to a local Thai restaurant - Thairiffic Concord (had a Groupon!) and followed it up with hot chocolates at Oliver Brown.   I feel so young and hip (or is that old and out of place?) when I go there at night.

Satay sauce - whenever I can!  (my kids have allergies and I CRAVE peanut sauce)

Garlic and pepper fish

Red Curry

Sago Pudding - I managed 2 spoonfuls before I suggested Oliver Brown!

Its a pretty funky Thairiffic Concord

A mild & dark hot choc - make mine extra hot - please!

Today I was informed I got my last choice for my clinical teaching block.  Alice Springs - I freaked out and maybe sent an angry missive to the uni. It didn't help that when I looked up the airfares, only Qantas flies there and it costs close to 1000 big ones just to get there and back.  Secondly, on the uni info it was strongly advised not to walk after dark -aahh! Thirdly, I checked out the uni accommodation, which is communal and I want to know how many locks I'm going to have on my door.  Oh well - I'm going to keep hunting for a good airfare and make the best of it!


T1 and T2 are on school hols.  Unlike last holidays I feel like hibernating in my house and not going out for the whole two weeks.   T2's therapists are full of positive feedback at the moment. His in a good place!

Unfortunately, there's a virus going around my boys over the last 10 days.   First eldest , then T1 (who slept for 15 hours last night!!) and now T2.  I'm so glad I didn't plan a trip anywhere this holidays.n I'm pumping multi vitamins and pushing the betadine gargle right now.  Oh hum! 

Do you have a tip to get over a virus quickly?

For a sore throat Betadine gargle - but keep at it every few hours until that sore throat is gone.  Trust me - it works!

Any tips on finding cheap airfares to Alice? Please!