Friday, 6 February 2015

Running update & my child is hugging strangers!

I've been trying to hit the weights in the last couple of weeks and I've been loving it.  But, I've been so stiff that I've been hardly been able to run properly.

Life got in the way of blogging so my workouts since my last blog post are

Monday - 70 minute run (ahem...shuffle)
Tuesday - body pump class, 15 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes on the bike
Wednesday - Friday off
Saturday - 5km - see below
Not happy about the time :( Consolation is the 368 calories:)

Want to know why I had Weds-Friday off training?
Work asked me to finish at 11pm and start 6 am (I need my sleep!!!) and T2 woke up with croup on Wednesday at 1.45am.  I then realised I was out of Redipred, so my husband and I had to take T2 to the local hospital and then didn't get home until 3.30 then I had to get up at 5.30am.  Croup was brought on by a virus which I also now have.  Friday we all stayed home and coughed (except for the short escape to our local donut king!).

This morning I got a delivery of two lunchboxes for the twins from the local Tupperware woman.  She actually called me a Tupperware virgin (snigger).   I was talking to her on the doorstep when T2 burst out of the house and hugged her.  It was quite embarrassing as I said to him 'T2 you don't hug people you don't know!'.  We've had the 'you don't kiss people at school' conversation but now I think a refresher course on PDAs is required.  Sigh.

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