Monday, 1 December 2014

Running, Gone Girl and the guilts

A hot 50 minute run this morning straight after school drop off.  Then a quick dip in the pool before heading to a daytime movie with my husband
No Port Macquarie, but good enough :)

Gone Girl

Loved loved loved this movie!!  But so stressful. Everytime things got tense I ate another fun size Timeout.  I reckon a couple of academy awards are deserving - especially for Rosamund Pike.


You know that feeling when you are avoiding something you should have done long ago?  Unfortunately T2's ABA folder needed updating desperately.  Today I finally started the sorting out.  Its been too long and I'm angry that I let something so important to T2's therapy slide.  But here's to turning over a new leaf! :)
 While T2 was having a therapy session this arvo T1 and I cracked open a box of lego that the boys received for their birthday.  T1 did a magnificent job and after building it started driving it round with his brother.  Typical behaviour - I love it!.  But what was even more incredible was that this evening while at a end of year concert for my eldest T2 asked my husband to do lego.  This is not something I thought T2 would be capable of.
T1's lego truck

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