Tuesday, 7 October 2014

95 days until marathon and Australian Story

This morning I went out for a very slow 40 minute jog as I'm hoping to finally start training for a marathon I want to run in January.  Then after I dropped the twins at school I went to the gym and did a pump class.  Because I was early I also did 15 minutes on the ellipitical.  I've just come home from a 5 hour afternoon shift which was really busy. Now my feet are aching.  Really aching!  If there are any nurses out there and you have a shoe recommendation, please speak up!
The rain held off this morning


I can't believe my twinnies headed out to day 1 of the last term of Kindy.  I know if I blink twice their first year of school will be over :(.

Last night we watched Australian Story, which featured a story on a young man with ASD  just finishing school.  He is the son of the owner of the therapy the boys went to.  It was a follow up to when he was featured on the show at 12.  It was so great to see his progress and that he has a career planned out and a good level of independence.  I can't wait to see how the twins will be when they finish school.  I no longer have gut-wrenching fear about it.  Probably a very extreme version of an average parent's worry, but not gut wrenching fear.  I no longer hopw I'll live to 100 so that they'll be ok and I can't look after them forever (but I wouldn't mind hitting 100 if I still had my faculties).

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