Monday, 31 March 2014

6km &IEP update & eating my stress!

Therapy room by central at night (notice the block of choc)

The positive thing about the garbos coming at 5.30am is that I was up early for a pre-dawn run.  I'm beginning to enjoy them, except I'm a little bit worried about rolling an ankle.  Hopefully I'll repeat this workout tomorrow morning as I won't have time for a run during the day.
Fascinating stuff, isn't it?


I'm hoping for a quiet and productive week this week.  Despite the chaos of last week I managed  to write an essay that is due this week.  Unfortunately I ate a LOT of chocolate - I'm talking blocks of hazelnut cadbury and any other sugar, carb-loaded items.

If only I could deal with stress in a positive way.  Friday was the boys IEP meeting.

Last week my husband and I went and saw Noah.  It was quite good.  It was raining heavily outside so it was pretty apt.

IEP Meeting update

So Friday afternoon was the twins' individual education plan meetings aka IEP - there's so much jargon in autism!  We went in there with 2 big goals - and I was ready to do battle.  I even wore my new Zara shirt and jacket and put on make-up and jewellery!

1)   to get the staff/aides/shadows to take data
2)   for the school to bring in an ABA therapist that I employed to fill in the gaps where funding didn't cover it.

Hurray!  We got our 2 aims - well, its yet to happen in practice but we've got the go-ahead.  When I tell anyone about ABA I know I sound like a religious zealot!  By the end of the meeting the principle wanted info on the functions of behaviour - woo hoo! looks I have another convert! I'm thinking about giving him a Bobby Newman book to read over the hols.  I'm sure that's what the principle wants to be doing over Easter :-)
Bobby Newman's books are excellent - and entertaining!

Do you have a favourite book on autism - maybe I should review some.  Before I started studying nursing I read the Journal of Behaviour Analysis for leisure!  I miss it!

Do you have a favourite book on autism?  Please share what it is.

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