Thursday, 20 February 2014

5.7km & Who is this new me?

I've been burning the candle at both ends and I'm not the kind of girl who can get by on a few hours sleep and spring out of bed for my morning run.  But I did manage to squeeze in 5.7km before school pick-up.

Last night I went out to dinner at a Thai restaurant with a friend.  It was great company but the food was really disappointing.  We ordered pork belly as a main and it was chewy and I thought it was just me but noticed my friend wasn't eating any of it.  When I commented she completely agreed.  I'll never go back there because life's too short to give a restaurant a second chance, and there are lots of amazing Thai restaurants where I live.  I won't name and shame the restaurant.  I thought about it,  So my friend came back to my house and we talked (and ate chocolate) until late so no run this morning.

Today my car was scheduled for a service and I had an assignment I wanted to knock over before the weekend.  My mechanic is the same one I've been going to since I learnt to drive.  I told him today he is NEVER allowed to retire.  So I drove 45minutes to get there and walked down to the local McDonald's to finish my assignment and take advantage of their free Wi-Fi.  I was there for 3 hours and didn't eat a burger or fries or sundae or cone. Who is this person?  This is what I DID order - first hour - a skim hot choc (extra hot!) and then at lunchtime I ordered a grilled chicken salad and small diet coke.  I was apprehensive..but it was fine.  After 3 hours I picked up my car and headed home.
McDonald's Salad - it did the job.

Usually i would make excuses why I can't run - it will be too late, too hot etc.  But I REALLY wanted to run so as soon as I got home I threw on my running gear and some sunscreen and bolted out the door.

I'm loving my Garmin but I do have one gripe - it seems to take ages (almost 10 minutes) to pick up my location.  And I am NOT a patient person.  I'm going to Google this tonight and hopefully find a solution.

Yesterday I met up with my husband for lunch at Rhodes shops.  One of the bloggers I read recommended Lily's so I thought we'd give it a go.  We halved a quiche and some wagon wheel chocolate thingy. Delicious!
Lilly's at Rhodes

My half of the quiche

At the time I was supposed to be watching my eldest son play cricket all day but sneaked off after he batted.  I love watching him play, but selfishly I'm not too keen on watching everyone else's kids takes forever.

I went to Ikea to check out desks for my eldest but I have a problem with Ikea.  I get claustrophobic in there.  Nowhere else...just Ikea.  My goal was to walk through the shop.  In the kitchen area I thought I was going around in circles and I had to take the shortcut once but overall I think I went ok.  But once I overcome the claustrophobia I'm going to have to face the assembly nightmare.

My nemesis

A corner desk...

or a flat desk...a white one, or a black one...?

cool chairs

Maybe one of these to hold eldest's 'stuff'?

How long does it take for your Garmin to pick up your the location?

Do you love or hate Ikea?


  1. Hello! I need to go to Ikea but always find it an easy thing to put off. It's too big and too complicated. I SO wish I could just order the bed I am after online and have it delivered. You're good to get out for a run at all! I did a walk/jog in the bush this week and thought I was a legend, really am a bit lazy in my old age. But will swim tomorrow which is good for the brain and body too. Hope the week ahead is great for you all.

    1. Seana, I'm embarrassed at how poor my photos are! Yours are so good and getting better all the time. If only there were more hours in each day. I admire your ocean swimming, its a great upper body workout. I wish we lived closer to the beach. One day!
