Monday, 10 February 2014

5km & autism apps

5km this morning, stiff and slow, which is about standard at the moment.  I'm off to do some stretching now.

This afternoon my husband and I got to sit down with the twins' teacher.  We got to talk over any concerns about the boys and how they were settling in.  So far she seems like a fantastic, caring teacher.  She asked all the right questions and is very open to having my BCBA come in and supervise.  PLUS the school obtained funding for the boys to get an iPad. This is going to be invaluable for T2 because he LOVES technology.  So my job now is to find some useful apps. But its SO difficult because there are so many and its really difficult to know how effective they are until you purchase them.  So far two apps have caught my eye.  They are both for visual schedules and task analysis.  The first one is the  Choiceworks App.
Choiceworks App

T2 could definitely use this
The other app that looks useful is called First then App

Do you know of any other apps that are great for kids with autism?

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