Sunday, 23 February 2014

A long run & a cook-a-thon

This morning I had to run for 70 minutes as part of my half-marathon training.  I started off so slow.  I felt sore and stiff.  But then I noticed that every km I was loosening up and running a little bit faster.  One of my running goals for this year is to run 10km non-stop and I'm just happy to tick that one off the list.

I googled my Garmin problem.  Apparently because my Garmin is new and far away from where it was born it takes longer for the satellite's to pick up its location.  Then it remembers the approximate location through its satellite cache.  Also, I read that it picks up the signal better if the watch is still.  So this morning I lay my watch down face-up while I put on my shoes on...and presto! about 20 seconds my Garmin was ready to rock n roll!

This morning the twins' year group had to sing at a church service.   I had attempted to take them to church once before (about 9 months ago).  Then, it was a disaster. T2 started making loud noises and they squirmed and fussed and I was so mortified.  Thankfully today they were fantastic.  The church was packed and it was quite noisy and T2 coped really well.  The difference in nine months is huge.  After church was a BBQ so that was very reinforcing for them!

This afternoon was a lunch box and treat cook-a-thon.  First up was choc-chip cookies, then peanut-free rocky road, followed by mini-quiches and cheese, bacon and vegie scrolls.  Then I tackled the mammoth school note and mail pile that I'd been neglecting.

cheese, bacon and vegie scrolls

my own not-so-secret recipe

I'm exhausted, but in a good way.  Maybe Downton Abbey and some choccies are in order.  After all, my Garmin told me I burnt 799 calories this morning!

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