Saturday, 8 February 2014

Week 5 of Lazyrunner 10k program; cricket and a visitor

Finished week 5 of the Lazyrunner 10k program today.  It was supposed to be 5kms but I think i ran a little longer.  No Parkrun for me because I was coaching Milo cricket :-(  The things we do for our kids!  There's 3 weeks left so then I'll be back to Parkrun every Saturday.

I have a mouth ulcer.  Its interfering with my enjoyment of food, which is serious.  Someone once told me that chocolate causes mouth ulcers.  I've chosen not to believe that.

T1 was amazing at cricket this morning.  No behaviour or attitude and his skills were incredible.  Another parent was asking what we do with him to get him good at cricket!  I actually enjoyed it, even though I whinge terribly about getting up early every Saturday morning to do it.  I've really got to stop whining about it.  The kids have really improved.
The twins were given a slipn slide T1 was into it

T2 preferred jumping in the puddles
Next up a wonderful therapist who used to work with T1 came to visit.  She is one of those people you can't imagine ever being angry or upset or saying a bad word about anyone.  Our whole family adores her.  She is such a great person and she bought the boys belated Christmas presents.  I love how all our long-term therapists come and visit.

They were also given these nut free (actually everything free!) cookies
They taste just like Tiny Teddies!

They were also given these bath toys and some pool toys

After that it was cooking for the lunch boxes.  Today was vegetable and ham fritters.  You can get the recipe here. We've decided not to let the boys sample them until they get them in their lunchbox.  I figure they'll be more hungry at school and hopefully will eat them.

Ham and vegetable fritters for lunch boxes - finger crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Good morning, we have a friend who was a therapists for years just like yours, the calmest person I've ever met and I still feel better every time I see her.

    I haven't heard of the LazyRunner but can totally relate to the concept!! Great that cricket is goingw ell, you're good for coaching too. My wee Mr7 loves his cricket these days, so good for him.
