Sunday, 24 November 2013

C25K Week 4 Day 2 & successful outing

This morning was a picture perfect morning in Sydney.  A lovely quiet Sunday morning run.  When I return from my runs I do 5-10 minutes of strengthening and stretching to prevent injury.  I think it helps.  Especially the knee exercises.  I used to be prone to knee injuries until I started doing these knee exercise I found in a book.  I'll see if I can find it and post a link.  Basically you just flex your knees for 5 seconds and then turn legs outwards for 5 while still flexing and then back to centre.  Repeat x5.  It has made all the difference.

Then I did an ABA session with T1.  His program is focussing on dealing with emotions.  He is pretty indistinguishable from his peers now.  He just comes across as a bit aggressive and angry.  Yet, other times he can be a sweet little angel.  I spent some time trying to get him angry e.g. winning games, correcting him etc so we could practise regulating his emotions but he didn't get angry - such an angel today.

We went to my husband's uncle's 80th birthday tonight.  I was worried - it started at 5.30pm and there were a lot of of kids and older people around.  T1 played footy and mixed in so well.  He controlled his emotions really well.  T2 played baby toys with the family toddler and played ball with the boys.  I'm glad he played with the big kids too.  They held it together for 3 hours.  At 8.30pm T2 started to lose it so we came home.  I was so proud of the them.

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