Thursday, 7 November 2013

Couch to 5km week one -complete

Ok, Its going to be a long journey to a marathon, but one has to start somewhere.

Weds - Day 1, Week 1 of C25km (complete)
Thurs - Day 2, Week 1 of C25km (complete)
Fri (Today) - Day 3, Week 1 of C25km (complete)

For those Aussies who run in kms rather than miles the Couch to 5km running program can be found here.  There is also an app, but I kind of like peace and quiet so I look at my watch (actually my iphone at the moment).

The twins are at preschool (peace and quiet!) so I managed to get some birthday shopping done for them.  I remember when they never played with anything.  Thankfully those days are pretty much behind us thanks to early intervention.  Still, T2 wanting the Peppa Pig train and rocket for his 6th isn't exactly "typical".  T1 requests what any almost 6 year old would  - sports gear, DS games, Lego, Ironman, Skylander toys (phew).  T1 requested a Turbo cake (ahh...ok) and I think I'll get a One Direction cake topper for T2.  I was hoping to buy tiny Turbo toys to put on some cupcakes as there is NO way I'm making a Turbo birthday cake - I wish I was that talented.

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