Monday, 14 April 2014

Oh my poor aching legs & a confidence boost!


After less than 6 hours sleep (and I need my sleep!) - hurray for Liverpool-  I dragged myself out of bed to do my long run.  I ran a very stiff and slow 18km.  After punishing my body for three days in a row my legs were REALLY sore afterwards.  I had some cleaning to do (zzz) and I was noticeably walking funny.  I was walking like an old lady.  Later we walked the kids to the park.. T2 took off ahead on his scooter and I literally couldn't run after him.  I don't remember ever being this sore.  Tomorrow will be a day off running for me.  I'm having a mother and eldest son day and I'm going to need every ounce of energy I have...I'm excited!


Remember how upset I was that I got 6/10 for a quiz I took last weekend?  Today made up for that.  In another subject I had to write an essay that was worth 40% of the total unit.  I got....drumroll....100%!!!!  I've never got that kind of mark at tertiary level.  Like my favourite saying goes 'never,never,never give up'.  The lecturer emailed to ask me if she could use it as a model answer to help other students.  I'm still terrified about anatomy and physiology but I needed a confidence boost and it couldn't have come at a better time.  By the way, yes I can write much better than I write in this blog - I just don't have the time!

Now I'm going to get some sleep!

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