Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Couch to 5km Week 5 bonus run; Swimming Lessons-not optional for our kids

Went out for a 20 minute jog this morning, which was a repeat of on of the Week 5 runs.  Now I'm ready for Week 6.  The first two runs of Week 6 look a little easier than Week 5 so maybe kind of recovering from the big jump of Week 5.

Then we went to the local shops for the crowning glory of our Christmas tree - a gold star.  One thing I've learnt since having kids with ASD - no breakable decorations!  There are plenty of shatter proof baubles and other hardy decorations.  In fact, we got some really nice decorations from the Reject Shop.  T2 was VERY excited about putting the tree up last Sunday.  Once we put it up he almost got too excited...put it away... I want a star for the tope etc.  He pushed it over once and we just ignored that and walked around it until he calmed down.  Its now been up 3 days and he has left it alone..phew.  I'm pretty proud of this tree.  I reckon it looks magnificent.  There's nothing expensive on it and I got the tree and lights from Big W.  The decorations have been collected over the years with a few more bought this year.   The photos with the lights on didn't turn out that well.
T2's favourite decoration is the cupcake!

I love this angel

This afternoon we had swimming lessons and it was Water Safety week.  The twins have a new teacher and I was worried about the transition but the lesson went really well and the teacher is great with the boys.  He got them to repeat the rule 'never swim by yourself' and they practised falling in and rescuing others safely.  Before the boys started therapy we failed swimming lessons TWICE (I won't go into details as this blog focuses on the positive).  Persevere and try different schools and teachers because the number of kids with Autism that drown is really, really tragic.  Many kids with ASD, including T2, are a little obsessed with water.

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