Sunday, 22 December 2013

Week 8 Couch to 5k - complete & social stories.

Luckily I went out early for my run.  I felt slow and it was hard work.  It was cloudy so initially I was fooled into thinking it would be cool but I reckon the humidity was really high, even at 6.30am.  But I did it and week 8 is done and dusted!  Every week I have done a bonus run before moving on to the next week, so I think I'll repeat a week 8 run before moving onto the last week of the Couch to 5 k program.

T2's ankle was much better today, thankfully.  I was getting pretty worried yesterday.

This evening I read a really gorgeous story to T1.  Its one of a series of books by Trace Maroney, exploring feelings.  There is "When I'm feeling happy/angry/sad/lonely/jealous" etc. I love the illustrations and the rabbit feels a little soft when you touch it.  T1 really engages with social stories.  Its difficult to measure if and how much the stories may change his behaviour, but at least he enjoys them and hopefully something sinks in.  These stories are good for all preschoolers, not just children with autism.  Below are a few snapshots of the book. I've seen this series in Target, Big W, the Post Office and Dymocks.  They retail for around $10.  I like how the books focus on increasing greater tolerance of painful feelings (anger, loneliness, jealousy etc) rather than trying to 'get rid of' painful feelings.
The illustrations are really cute

The story leads to discussions about what T1 and Dad do that makes him feel happy

At the end of the books are really helpful 'notes for parents'

The boys are loving the pool.  3 sleeps 'til Christmas!  All my boys are excited.  At lunchtime yesterday, T1 announced he was going to sleep for 4 days and wake up on Christmas Day!  Luckily the gorgeous dog I posted about arrived which was enough to get T1 out of bed :-)

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