Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Week 7 Day 1 of Couch to 5k: clinic meeting

I slept in this morning, so went for my run at about 3.30pm this arvo...and it was hot hot hot!  My weather app said it was 26 degrees celsius (79 degrees F), but I'm SURE it was lying, it felt MUCH hotter.  The sun was beating down on my head and it was really tough.  On the home straight I ran into three ducks waddling on the path. So cute!  When I got home I did my strengthening exercises and it was straight into the pool - felt so good after a hot run.  Tomorrow I'm going to do my run early!
three little ducks went out one day.....

This morning was T2's clinic meeting.  When a child with ASD is doing an ABA program, the therapy team have regular meetings to discuss progress and any problems.  Usually these meetings are every 4 weeks or monthly. Today's main topic of conversation was T2's inconsistent behaviour- either behaving perfectly or really horribly.  So my incredible behaviour analyst (BCBA) devised a new strategy where my son chooses what tasks/questions he does and in what order.  After a set certain number of tasks he decides what he wants to play or do.  As he completes each task he crosses it off the master list.  So I typed up the master list and my junior therapist gave it a go this arvo and it worked a treat!  Hopefully it will keep working well.  He seems to have a real need to know when things are happening and have input into how the session is structured.  Eventually the aim is to fade out the detail and have a list of topics rather than every task or question.
My son's master list - notice the wh qus and occupations :-)

I keep my clinic notes in a pretty notebook - otherwise they'd get lost

Then it was off to the boys' swimming lesson.  They were the only two in their class today and the teacher really tried to work on their strokes and technique. The boys were terrific and the teacher is very patient.

After the twins went to sleep, my husband, eldest and I watched Jack Reacher, which we recorded from Foxtel.  I really enjoyed it, even though my son and I had to look away a few times.  Love the baddie in that movie, I think I've seen him on the BBC, he is really BAD :-)

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